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Although our Content Style Guide is a collection of our best practices and insights, take a look at these articles:

Also, there's a free Hubspot Inbound & Email Marketing Course that may help you a lot.

How to find valid Linkedin leads?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

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How to manage our social media business accounts?

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How to create and maintain dedicated campaign base?

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Pre-sale process first steps.

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Stakeholder Engagement Best Practices

1. Communicate

Before aiming to engage and influence stakeholders, it’s crucial to seek to understand the people you will be working with and relying on throughout the phases of the project lifecycle. Sharing information with stakeholders is important, but it is equally important to first gather information about your stakeholders.

2. Consult, early and often

A project, particularly in the early stages, may be unclear to its stakeholders for example, in terms of purpose, scope, risks and approach. Early, then regular consultation is essential to ensure that requirements are agreed and a delivery solution is negotiated that is acceptable to the majority of stakeholders.

3. Remember, they’re only human

Accept that humans do not always behave in a rational, reasonable, consistent or predictable way and operate with an awareness of human feelings and potential personal agendas. By understanding the root cause of stakeholder behaviour, you can assess if there is a better way to work together to maintain a productive relationship

4. Simple, but not easy

Over and above conventional planning, using foresight to anticipate hazards, and taking simple and timely actions with stakeholders can significantly improve project delivery. Although this principle is self-evident, in practice is still only rarely done very well.

5. Take responsibility

Stakeholder engagement is not the job of one member of the project team. It’s the responsibility of everyone to understand their role and to follow the right approach to communication and engagement. Good project governance requires providing clarity about stakeholder engagement roles and responsibilities and what is expected of people involved in the project.