Empeek Content Style Guide 💭

This is our company style guide. It helps us write clear and consistent content across teams and channels. Please use it as a reference when you’re writing for Empeek.

It’s not a generic list of to-do. We break some grammar rules for clarity, practicality, or preference.

Goals & Principles 🎯

Every time we publish something, we aim to:

  • Empower. Help customers understand Empeek services by using language that informs them and encourages them to make the most of our IT serivces.
  • Respect. We put ourselves in customer's shoes and don't try to sell anything. We know they have other things to do. Don't market at people; communicate with them.
  • Empathy. Think of yourself as a tour guide for our blog readers. Whether you're leading them through microservices architecture or a difference between Frontend and Backend, communicate in a friendly and helpful way.
  • Speak the truth. Avoid dramatic storytelling and grandiose claims. Focus on our real strengths as an IT service company.

Voice & Tone 🌼

What's the difference between voice and tone? Think of it this way: You have the same voice all the time, but your tone changes. You might use one tone when you're out to dinner with your closest friends, and a different tone when you're in a meeting with your boss.

The same is true for our content and anything related to Empeek. Our voice doesn't change much from day to day, but our tone changes all the time.


We are plainspoken. We understand the world our customers are living in: one muddled by non-fiction calque and over-promises.

Customers come to Empeek to get their ideas done, and we avoid distractions like fluffy metaphors and cheap plays to emotion.


Empeek tone is usually informal, but it's always more important to be clear than entertaining. Here are some tips:

  • Active voice. Avoid passive voice.

✅ We do code.

🚫 We're coding.

  • Avoid slang and jargon. Write in plain English.

✅ We help businesses simplify routine.

🚫 We perform comprehensive solutions.

  • Stay positive. Use positive language rather than negative language.

✅ I’ll make sure to set a reminder

🚫 I forgot

Useful resources 💫

Use Grammarly for every part of your writing.

Use Hemingway for a fresh and literary view of your content.

Use Reverso Context to ensure the words done right.

Use Ludwig to fit the context once more.

Use Pexels and Unsplash to find photos. Ah, that's for the next part.

Images 🖼️

Use free stock photos from Unsplash and Pexels to . Although the keyword search is often a best way, try to explore most popular images for the inspiration and treasures.

Colors 🎨

Although we don't have a complete brand identity, we have a strict visual language as the way we communicate.

We use organized approach to applying colors everywhere. Empeek often uses monochromatic appearance via the classic Color Wheel.

Don't mix a high contrast colors, rather use Coolors palette. Also, try to avoid registration black (#000000), rather try (#1F1F1F) or (#3F3F3F).

Typography 🖌️

Good typography means good visual hierarchy. Here's some tips how to make text readable and easy to understand.

Typography principles is as simple as that. There's a heading, subheading, and body text.

Change the primary heading to 180-200% of the body text size. Subheading should be 130-150% of the body text size.

Text blocks must be reader-friendly. Line spacing should be 130% of the body text size. Line length should be 60-70 characters max.

Don't worry about the fonts: use Arial, Roboto, or Lato.

Bold heading & regular body text creates a clear visual hierarchy.

Designing Materials 🖼️

We often use Figma to design SMM, promo, and sales materials. It's easier to use than a Photoshop, and you can collaborate with other users to create cool stuff together.

Take a look at this video-guide, and you will definitely become a skilled Figma-ninja in a hour!