How to start with tasks?

Every Empeek employee manages his projects & tasks via Accounting – internal project management tool. You can download the Empeek Accounting guide here.

Ask your boss😎 to assign a task for you and negotiate how you should log your time. In case you're missing a deadline, talk directly to your boss beforehand.

Where to find credentials?

We have a consolidated document for all accesses to our major accounts (Upwork, Linkedin, Clutch, etc.). Ask Business Development Director to give you access to this file, and pay attention to not to change any data or share it with 3-rd parties.

How to work with documents?

We use Google Docs for literally everything – presentations, articles, drafts, lists, proposals, templates, bases, etc. Even if you work with documents offline (i.e. Microsoft Word or Sticky Notes), make sure you've duplicated them on your personal Google Drive.

Keep in mind: when you simply upload .docx files, they can be edited through your Google Drive interface, but they also can corrupted. To avoid that issue, manually copy-paste data from .docx file to created Google Docs document.

Also, make sure you've shared completed documents with your team and domains mail.