Why we use "Marketing for Sales" folder 🏡

Our team has created a one unified folder for all sales activites that requires some presentation materials. We've got a Marketing for Sales folder, where we collected all files we often use in communication. Let's take a quick look:

  • To see our positioning and style, see the Presentation Templates folder.
  • We've done a lot of marketing researches, don't hesitate to ivestigate them.
  • To attach any Case Study to your mail or skype chat, visit this folder. Make sure you're sending NDA document (no project or vendor titles). In case you're not sure on how to make it, contact with Sales Manager or Business Development Director.
  • We also have a main presentation materials, a type of brief Empeek overview, in case you need to cummunicate our expertise and info quickly.
  • If you need to send a rate card (our per hour pricing list), you can find it here. Make sure you agree with the BDD.

Where can I find Empeek developers CV's?

We have a folder for all CV's ever mentioned in Empeek, and unified template for creating a new one. To create a CV of new developer, use mentioned folder, or get in touch with Empeek office manager to download and edit personal CV of any developer. To establish per hour or daily rates, please, get in touch with Business Development Director, and take a look at our Rate Card. Also, check out the Empeek Designer Pool.

What about Upwork and LinkedIn?

Take a look at this folder. Here we bring together the latest templates, descriptions, and other activities related to our presence in LinkedIn and Upwork. Every week we post some new info on our LinkedIn company page, and all the articles are available here. You can see the full list of Empeek Sales Credentials here.

How to create a good proposal?

To engage our customer and provide better service, we have two types of commercial proposals: custom PDF file, or standard Google Doc. Everything related to Commercial Proposals stores in this folder.

Step-by-step guide:

  • Ask content manager to create a first page (proposal cover image), to insert it in this document. Please, consider you've created and edited a copy of Proposal Template document.
  • Then, feel free to edit your personal proposal file according to template and needs. Make sure you sync all this process with Senior Sales Manager or/and Business Development Director.
  • If there's a need to create a visual-backed custom PDF proposal, ask Content Manager to create this in advance. The average terms is 8-12 working hours, depends on the requirements. We create custom PDF proposals with info graphics, visuals, etc. only in a full cooperation.
  • Although, you can see how it works, by following the Figma Commercial Proposal Guide.

How and why we do market research?

There's a lot of situations where our team needs a brief overview of some industry, deep knowledge of particular branch, or even a current market status on some business domains. That's why we do and collect marketing research documents: they help us to consolidate our knowledge, have a big picture of some topic, and confidently talk on a related topics with customer.

Average marketing research takes 7-11 hrs of work, and has some internal architecture patterns you need to be familiar with. First of all, you need to indiate the goal and the tone of your reserach: should it be a one-for-all description, or a particular knowledge of some topic? Then, you need to struture your document with h1, h2 and paragraph texts – consistent document is a must. At the end of. your research, do the regression review and try to eliminate unncesseary or buzz info, and re-research interesting topics.

Company Presentation Best Practices

Keep it simple:

  • Avoid slides with lots of text, especially if it's just a repetition of what you're saying. The audience may be reading rather than listening to you. If you need text-heavy slides then gradually reveal the text when needed.
  • Ideally you should only include main speaking points in the form of short and concise bullet points on your slides. This is far less dull for the audience and the best slides have no text - some speakers just use images.
  • Don't fill up empty spaces with unnecessary elements as this won't help the audience understand what you're saying. The less clutter there is on a slide the more impact your visual message will have.
  • The design elements should be kept to a minimum to prevent distraction, such as, ensuring you have a clear and simple background.

Limit transitions and animations (or even get rid of them)

  • Only use animations for a purpose, such as, to reveal the stages of a process.
  • Your animations should subtle and professional, for example, "Wipe" is effective for introducing bullet points but "Move" and "Fly" are too slow.
  • Don't animate every element in your slide.
  • Avoid using animations between every slide and don't use more than three different types of animations for this.

Use visual aids

  • Summarise information.
  • Reduce the amount of spoken words.
  • Clarify and show examples.
  • Create more of an impact by making the audience feel a certain emotion.
  • Emphasise what you're saying.
  • Make a point memorable.
  • Enhance your credibility.
  • Engage the audience and maintain their interest.
  • Make something easier for the audience to understand.

Also, take a look at Harvard Business Review tips on How To Give a Killer Presentation.

Main Commercial Proposal Best Practices

  • Don’t overload with text. Split into consumable–and trackable!–sections
  • Pay closest attention to the first section–if that’s boring, no one’s going to click on through
  • Use images more–a picture is worth a thousand words
  • Always customize your experience and list of services to clients’ needs
  • Offer them options in your pricing table
  • Size your photos correctly–higher-res for web-based and lower for PDF